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To Microwave or Not: The Great Debate
The microwave oven has been a fixture in the American kitchen for decades. Yet throughout the years, the safety of the microwave oven has been a hot topic.

A Close Look at Cholesterol
The public is constantly informed to keep cholesterol levels low. High cholesterol is a big risk factor for cardiac disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Yet what is its purpose in the first place?

Blood Pressure Variables and Importance of Accuracy
Blood pressure is a significant factor when determining a cardiac problem that often leads to prescribed medications. Because variables affect readings so easily, take action to prevent false readings…

Body-Mind Connection in Heart Disease
An article published in The American Journal of Medicine highlighted the important relationship between the body and the mind, particularly with respect to cardiovascular disease and mental health [1]. Sometimes overlooked when considering the cardiovascular system, mental health plays a large role in a person’s internal environment.

Beginning the Journey to Healing Health
Would you like to start a journey to healing health? In order to contemplate such an adventure, let’s first explore the concept of the word “health.”

Medical Error
Heart disease and cancer have consistently been named the first and second leading causes of death by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet many are not aware that medical error is number three! The CDC publishes a list of top causes of death for the public, yet medical error is not listed among them. The mechanism of reporting a death is not a straightforward one. Because causes of death are assigned to an International Classification of Disease (ICD) code on the death certificate, human error is not captured. In this manner, the public is not aware that underlying causes of death may actually exist. To delve into this issue further, the medical literature must be scrutinized.

Sacred Cows
I first heard of the expression “sacred cow” when I started my nursing career. The phrase happened to be a hot topic at the time. I have to admit, I had never heard of the term. “What does a cow have to do with nursing?” I would wonder. I laughed a little at myself when I finally comprehended why this saying was used. Sacred cows are deeply held traditions that are done without question.

Part II: Informed Consent and Human Rights
You may ask yourself why informed consent is so important. Across history, people have been subjected to experimentation without their knowledge. Self-determination is the basic human right of freedom to choose. Without preserving this sacred right, the choice of one’s own medical decisions will be in jeopardy.

Scrutinizing Nutrition: An Introduction
Across the recent decades, nutrition has been a seemingly confusing topic with much advice about nutrient needs, malnutrition, weight loss or gain, and fad diets by a plethora of health experts and government officials.

Part 1: Defining Informed Consent
Have you ever considered what the term “informed consent” means to you? Informed consent is a foundational component of patient care with the assertion that the patient has the right to make his/her own health decisions without external influence.