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The Road of the Childhood Obesity Epidemic: What Are Some Culprits?
With rising childhood obesity, many concerns are raised on the nutritional intake of the younger population. Looking back to 2010, the White House created a task force to solve this very issue. The plan included a strategy, benchmarks, and a goal to end childhood obesity within a generation.
The Value of the Dinner Table
Recently I wrote a newsletter article about the current healthcare concerns among children. I came across many articles that shared the importance of family dining. Throughout my adult years, I have always remembered the importance my mother gave to serving meal at the table. There were only rare occasions when schedules could not be sorted out to make this happen. Family dinner was a way for the family to gather, discuss current events, and the ongoings of the day. More importantly, the time was central to connection, sharing, and valuing one another. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that the literature reports.
Protecting the Future Generation
Children are full of life, vigor, and vitality. As a popular song lyric goes, “Children are our future.” They are appropriately viewed as the next generation to make an impact upon the world. Fittingly, the health of the pediatric population is vital to their flourish into adulthood. The general health status of children has been a growing concern and cannot go unnoticed.